7 content rich, blog post & email marketing ideas
Do you ever have blog panic?? You know what I'm talking about. You sit down to write out your blog posts for the month and realise you've used all your ideas!
When it comes to our blog its always a challenge to keep your readers engaged, however your chance of doing that when you have nothing to write about grows exponentially! The thought of not having topics to write about, or how to go about it, can be a major challenge. But not to worry, you should flush all those problems down the drain because with this series of straight to the point ideas you will be writing up a storm.
Don't forget to share you posts with your email marketing list and drive traffic to your website as well.
1. Showcase Your Stats:
What you stand to achieve from showcasing your stats will often override exposing what seems to be a very confidential side of your business. It’s more about showing to your clients that you can actually do what you say you can. Honestly would you trust someone with your hard earned cash if you didn't believe they could actually achieve the outcome you are after.? Probably not so increase your clients trust by practicing what you preach and expose how your own stats support you pricing.
2. Expose your own influences
Showing your vulnerability (past or present) can really help reassure clients that you also will go out on a limb and ask for help. Kill two birds with one stone and show your clients who and what influences you. If you are getting something out of it, so will your clients and if you keep it to more generic subjects you don't have to be scared of loosing them to a competitor. I have one particular woman I follow who has great energy and is very inspiring, however her content isn't something my clients would be after so I have no challenge directing clients to her socials. She's a business coach - I'm not, but her exuberance is always loved by those who I direct to her.
Check out Alex Beadon
(and her podcast). She seems to be very focused on Instagram stories at present, but she's done a lot of Snapchat marketing, Periscope and of course just general info on business. 3. Talk about current industry events
I discovered this works best for idea's and events that are in my industry but that I don't really offer. For example, Later who I use for my social media scheduling recently had LaterCON which was an online event showcasing all things new in Instagram in particular. They had various speakers and presenters and I had no challenge sharing this with all my clients. I have zero desire to create instagram stories for my clients, but showing them the benefits from it is added value and for the half a dozen or so that actually watched some of the event, they ALL loved it.
4. Share something more personal
Did you just discover a new way to do things? How about a new recipe or a better way to re pot your plants for a positive result? Share it! I've started sharing my book reviews on Medium and most of my clients are loving it. They have now started sending me recommendation (which I love) and our interaction is more frequent and I feel they are way more likely to contact me with any question they have and not have that "IT" barrier in the way. If they know we've cried in the same book I'm more human to them and as long as I maintain my professionalism, it is working really well for my bottom line.
5. Show your expertise:
You are WAY more rooted in your industry than your audience, and there must be something tricky you can share that while they might not directly benefit from, will help to enforce your knowledge and standing to them. I have a client that makes amazing cakes and she passes on these little tidbits now and again about something she can now do and I am LOVING it. While I can't bake for love nor money, I've actually used one of her icing tips when I was applying silicone the other day. You never know what your clients might like to achieve and just by telling them you can do it - might work for you both.
6. Embrace your point of difference:
What distinguishes you from others can really make you
stand out. Start embracing your unique features. If you provide services that are mostly marketed to women, embrace that. Colors, styles and layouts that are more suited to women will help you to enforce how relevant you are to what they need. While we all should maintain a professional outlook in business, some business IS personal. It's the relationship you establish with your clients that allows them to Know, Like & Trust
you. This makes you distinct in the industry and also helps in establishing your brand. Check out Constance Hall
on facebook. She is FAR
from everyone's cup of tea but she is true to herself and her Queens and has built a following of over a million people on that basis. 7. Share your successes:
Success stories are always well received, as long as you are humble in your telling. A client recently got this RAVE review from a very well known person in her industry and was so excited about it. She wasn't going to share it though. I didn't understand but she went on to say it would be "boastful" to share it. Agh - NO IT WON'T!! I added it to her website and insisted she share it as part of her next email blast (right at the top) and by expressing how overcome she was with pride that she had received this testimonial, it was so well received she made three MASSIVE sales from it. 3! Share your successes and be proud of them.