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Google Search Tips #3 - File Types

Jenny Marsden • October 18, 2018

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Google Search Tips #3 - File Types

Have you ever known that you had previously found a PDF file with the elevation of the next hike you want to do, but of course you just can't find it again? Using Google's filetype filter in your search will ensure the chances of this happening again are greatly reduced.

How To Search Using File Types

This is one of my favourite search tools, however you do have to be quite specific in your terms to make the very best use of it. If I type camino elevation filetype:pdf I get LOTS of info on the town called Camino in California. If I type camino frances elevation filetype:pdf my results are much more accurate. So this is one instance where your search term needs to be pretty good. Using an explicit search will lessen results in this case too. As you can imagine if you use a specific phrase, google will only show you results with an exact match AND that is a PDF in this case. So "camino frances elevation" filetype:pdf will greatly lessen the results. So remember - no exact match and try for a fairly accurate search term.

For Example:
Search Term - camino frances elevation
Result - Returned to me is a reasonably broad set of results showing a lot of info on elevation gain and multiple images, but no PDF files that I can see. While the images are good, what if my reader will only view PDF files? I need the PDF so I need to specify my file type.

Better Results:
Search Term - camino frances elevation filetype:pdf
Result - you can see that I get a list of results that are PDF files. They might not be exactly what I'm looking for but at least they are the file type I'm after.

My Results

The image on the left shows the text search without the quotes, and the image on the right shows it with the quotes. 
Google search without using file type
Google search using file type

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About Jenny

I started my IT career in Database Administration and .Net coding. While I LOVED that work, I realised very quickly that I also wanted a life. To be a top end coder or DB Admin, you have to comit your downtime to constantly learning and evolving and while that is also something I love, I wanted it to be my work and not my life. So I morphed my love of design with my knowledge of all things SEO and moved into building small business websites.

Why small business websites? I'm a small business myself and I know how hard it can be so I wanted to give my clients a great service, with an approachable point of contact where no question was a "stupid question".

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