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Audience Grabbing Blog Post Ideas To Use

Jenny Marsden • September 15, 2020

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Blog POst Ideas To Grab Your Readers Interest

Writing any blog post is challenging, however it can get very daunting if you work really hard on a post, put your heart and soul into it and it bombs! Actually it can be truely horrible.

When working with clients I'm always telling them "IT'S NOT ABOUT YOU!". At an extreme level I've told a client that I am 100% not bothered if she doesn't love her website because it's not about her. It's about her ideal client. That seems brutal I know but it is the truth.

Sorry Anne but pictures of beaches and waterfalls won't sell your services as a couples therapist. Put all the pictures up of waterfalls you like in the studio, but clients aren't going to see a website with images of beaches all over it and connect that to getting a caring and helpful marriage therapist. A website has to appeal to your market and not just appeal to them, it has to cut through all the other websites out there and reassure your client that they are in the right place for the service they need.

Blog posts are exactly the same. No-one is ever going to click a blog post that has a date and location as the title. August-21-2019-Post3  is NOT a blog post title.

Who would ever click through that title??

What Elements Should A Good Title Have?

There are consistent things a good blog post title should contain (or have):

  1. It has to establish your client expectations right off the bat. What are they getting next?
  2. It should convey the tone of the article - solemn, funny, informative etc.
  3. The value to your client should be instantly obvious (IE what are they going to learn, or how this funny story will make them laugh).
  4. It cannot under any circumstance be click bait. You might get them once but NEVER again.
  5. It should always contain at least one keyword relating to your post

Industry Concerns

While a travel blogger might write a completely different blog post heading to an architect for example, the same idea's can mostly apply. Top 10 things to do in Malta, might become The Top 10 Mid Century Homes in Palm Springs for an architect for example.

Don't over think it. Write your article first and then after you've been immersed in the subject matter for an hour or so, then you will find writing your title much easier.

Some Blog POst Titles You can Use

How To - this is great particularly for video blog post as well.

  1. How I learned ________________________
  2. How NOT to _____________ in _________________
  3. How to deal with _________________________
  4. How to ____________ using _________________
  5. Simple ways to _________________________
  6. How I _______________ my _____________
  7. How to create/sew/travel/write __________________
  8. How to teach yourself __________________
  9. How to answer when someone asks you _____________________

Why - Everyone always wants to know why!

  1. Why you can _______________ on your own
  2. Why I travel/teach/learn _____________________
  3. Why I liked _________________ better than _______________
  4. Why I stopped ________________ and what I learned
  5. Why you should _______________
  6. Why its never a bad thing to _____________________

Help - Help or advice is a big search term

  1. The best ____________ advice I've ever received
  2. Massive mistakes I've made in ____________________
  3. Easy ways to __________________ in/on/by _________________
  4. _____ (number) things I learned about __________________
  5. _____ (number) I learned from _____________________
  6. Unexpected ways to ______________
  7. Listening to advice on _____________ changed my life
  8. When listening to advice is NOT the right thing to do
  9. This quote taught me to life/travel/leave
  10. Why ___________ was an epic fail for me

Lists - this topic can be endless

______ must haves for _____________

______ Top purchases of ______________

______ Reasons why ____________ worked!

______ Things to do in _______________

How these ______ things will take you further

My top _______ reasons to _____________ (visit Malta in winter maybe)

_______ Rules for ___________________

My top _______ mistakes to avoid during ____________

______ Easy ways to ____________ in _________________

______ Hacks for better ___________________

Top ________ Fears I overcame

______ New things I tried this year

______ Quotes to engage your Insta audience

Value Add Ons - this is where you recommend other websites, blogs or influencers your readers might love. Remember - you have to give them value whether its directed internally or externally. Don't be scared to make recommendations that don't directly benefit you.

  1. ____ of the best Pinterest Accounts for ____________
  2. ____ of my fave twitter posts from 2019
  3. ____ Insta Accounts you must follow this year
  4. ____ Blogs I follow for inspiration

Now away with you! You should be thinking about that next post you can write!


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About Jenny

I started my IT career in Database Administration and .Net coding. While I LOVED that work, I realised very quickly that I also wanted a life. To be a top end coder or DB Admin, you have to comit your downtime to constantly learning and evolving and while that is also something I love, I wanted it to be my work and not my life. So I morphed my love of design with my knowledge of all things SEO and moved into building small business websites.

Why small business websites? I'm a small business myself and I know how hard it can be so I wanted to give my clients a great service, with an approachable point of contact where no question was a "stupid question".

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